Great Artesian Basin report

A new report reveals The Great Artesian Basin (GAB) in the Pilliga Forest of North West NSW is one of the most critical water recharge areas and is under siege from unconventional gas mining. The report will be presented at today’s meeting of the NSW Great Artesian Basin Advisory Group in Mudgee. Resource company Santos […]

Great Artesian Basin coal-seam gas ‘risk’

It is one of the world’s largest underground water reservoirs, covering an area bigger than Iran. But a new report has found that the Great Artesian Basin’s pumping power comes from an area smaller than Tasmania. A scientific review has raised questions about the basin’s cap­acity to withstand water extraction necessary for coal-seam gas mining. […]

Credit Suisse Equity Research – Santos Report

This important report by Credit Suisse economists discusses the gas price hike, particularly in relation to Santos’ admission that they developed the GLNG plant at Gladstone in part to drive up the price of gas in Australia and force a revaluation of their tenements. The key sentence from the report from Credit Suisse says “Santos […]

The Frack Files

A series of articles from the New Internationalist magazine’s special fracking edition. Why are communities around the world rising up against oil and gas extraction through the controversial process of fracking? We present the essential information and key issues, sorting the myths from the reality. Click here to download the PDF document.

List of fracking bans worldwide

This document lists fracking bans across the world, including USA, UK, Europe, South Africa, South America, Australia, NZ and Canada. Click here to download the full list.

Groundbreaking Report Calculates Damage Done by Fracking

As federal policy makers in the USA decide on rules for fracking on public lands, a new report calculates the toll of this dirty drilling on their environment, including 280 billion gallons of toxic wastewater generated by fracking in 2012—enough to flood all of Washington DC in a 22-foot deep toxic lagoon. Read the full […]

Harvard fracking study rings methane alarm bells in Australia

Australia’s coal seam gas industry has rejected a peer-reviewed report that suggests greenhouse gas emissions from drilling and fracking are 50 per cent worse than thought. Read the article here:  

Bridge Out: Bombshell Study Finds Methane Emissions From Natural Gas Production Far Higher Than EPA Estimates

A major new study blows up the whole notion of natural gas as a short-term bridge fuel to a carbon-free economy. Read the article here:

Symptomatology of a gas field

An independent health survey in the Tara rural residential estates and environs. Click here to download the full report.

Is fracking good for your health?

An analysis of the impacts of unconventional gas on health and climate. Click here to download the report.   Key findings: Unconventional gas—CSG, shale gas and tight gas—is slated to play a major role in the expansion of Australia’s gas industry, with the majority of future production to be exported. This expansion will be associated […]