Cotton growers voice concerns over CSG

Farmers and activists are furiously lobbying cross-bench members of the NSW Upper House over planned changes to the Petroleum Act and are demanding more protections around legal costs, entry permits and arbitration rights but the gas industry say NSW is already too tough and tighter regulations could make future exploration untenable.

Test your bores, landholders in gas fields advised

A new online mapping tool which identifies the locations of existing CSG wells in Queensland has helped to highlight just how large and concentrated the industry’s footprint has become in a few short years.

Water Contamination from Fracking: Jessica Ernst Releases Groundbreaking Report

The culmination of ten years of research, the 93-page report is sure to cause a stir with the energy sector and its critics. Groundwater contamination has been a key concern surrounding the booming fracking industry. “Jessica Ernst has made a strong case,” says Will Koop, BC Tapwater Alliance Coordinator. “Her collection provides excellent and technically […]

Well of Truth

This is a collection of videos capturing the personal and environmental consequences of CSG mining. Hear first hand the stories of people who have been directly impacted by rushed assessment processes, broken promises and had their health, homes and land threatened by CSG mining. Click here to visit

Mining’s contribution / Water a priority

This is a scanned copy of two letters to the editor which were published in the Gloucester Advocate on 1st May 2013: Mining’s contribution – by Dr. Richard Denniss, Executive Director of The Australian Institute. Water a priority – by John Ross, Manager Hydrogeology AGL Upstream Gas. Click here to download a PDF of the […]

Peer Review of Interim Protocol for Site Verification and Mapping of BSAL

This is a copy of Soil Scientist Robert Banks’ peer review of the Interim Protocol for Site Verification and Mapping of Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Lands. Robert Banks has sent this document with a letter urging the NSW government “to provide some clarity on the issues raised in the document” and “to get such complex planning […]

Is the coal industry economically worthless?

A report released on April 24 by the Australian coal industry, Adding value to the Australian Economy, unsurprisingly documents only one side of the ledger. It is perhaps more surprising that this one-sided report has some academic imprimatur, when review of the international literature reveals a very different picture. The complete picture shows coal is […]

More risks than benefits in CSG

Article by Bob Katter – What do you call an industry that doesn’t create many job opportunities, doesn’t provide significant revenue for the economy and destroys structural homeland industries through systemic and endemic collateral damage? It’s called the coal seam gas industry.

LNP elder calls for investigation of CSG whistleblower claims

Former Queensland bureaucrat Simone Marsh has told the Four Corners program she was forced to rush assessments of major coal seam gas projects in a process which put commercial outcomes before the environment.

Alan Jones discussing “Gas Leak!”

Alan Jones talks about the Four Corners program “Gas Leak” – and how disgraceful the approvals system for gas projects has been. How the govt. said all they wanted were “bankable outcomes” – that they had a $20 million project and that this project must be approved. And that “commercial considerations were to be put […]