Cancer causing chemicals found in wells

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 » 02:26am Cancer-causing chemicals have been found in eight exploration wells for coal seam gas in central Queensland. Origin and its Australia Pacific liquefied natural gas (Australia Pacific LNG) joint venture partner ConocoPhillips on Tuesday said traces of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) had been found in the hydraulic fractured […]

List reveals toxic chemicals used in coal seam mining

AUSTRALIAN mining companies are using highly toxic chemicals to extract coal seam gas during the controversial process known as ”fracking”, documents obtained by the Herald show. A government list of 36 chemicals used in coal seam gas extraction in Australia includes hydrochloric and acetic acid, and napthalene- an ingredient once used in napalm as well […]

Hunt for gas sparks toxic chemical fear

“I’ve been told naphthalene and ethylene glycol have been widely used by Queensland gas miners in the recent past.

The US Health Department and the International Agency for Research on Cancer list naphthalene as a possible carcinogen. Ethylene glycol is a toxin that can affect the central nervous system, the heart, and the kidneys.”

The Great Artesian Basin and other aquifers will remain threatened while CSG companies retain the right to extract unlimited amounts of groundwater

The Great Artesian Basin and other aquifers will remain threatened while CSG companies retain the right to extract unlimited amounts of groundwater,” Mr Parratt said. “Extracting unlimited volumes of groundwater is clearly unsustainable and no amount of management measures will be able to successfully manage the impacts that are likely to occur,” he said.

Time for a mining moratorium

“What this report shows is that this resource is at risk if we allow the development of the coal seam gas industry.

“We cannot quantify that risk and it is unclear how long it may before we understand the extent of the damage. But it is very clear that dewatering coal beds here will damage this water resource.

“The problem is that if we damage the alluvium we may not know for even 40 or 50 years if there is a problem.

“By that stage the mining industry will be gone and agriculture will be left with a problem that cannot be fixed.

Concerns over water wastage

12th October 2010 “WHEN most of the county is in drought, why is water being used as a waste product,” Surat Basin Friends of the Earth environmental campaigner Drew Hutton said. And it would seem he has a point as Santos (GLNG) and BG Group (QCLNG) have acknowledged that the emerging coal-seam gas (CSG) industry […]

Burke warned coal seam gas will deplete Great Artesian Basin

TONY Burke is considering a report that warns the coal-seam gas industry could deplete groundwater in the Great Artesian Basin. The federal Environment Minister is preparing to rule on several multi-billion-dollar projects and remains committed to a deadline of October 22, when he is expected to advise international energy giants Santos and BG Group whether […]

Basin water quality in jeopardy

IAN Hansen is a water well driller with more than 30 years’ experience in the Great Artesian Basin. He knows its subterranean layers and networks of sandstone aquifers and coal seams better than most, and says he holds grave concerns for its future. Fuelling his concerns are images such as these of test holes drilled […]

Australia delays decision on coal seam gas

Environment Minister Tony Burke delays federal approvals  –   BG Group says still on track for 2010 investment decision Australia’s environment minister has delayed a decision to approve coal-seam gas projects in Queensland worth billions of dollars, although BG Group (BG.L) said its project remained on track for a final investment decision by year end. “I […]

Irrigators face water cuts while CSG pumps on

CENTRAL Downs irrigators remain frustrated by State Government policies that allow coal seam gas companies to extract millions of litres of water from underground sources while farmers face significant and uncompensated cutbacks to their own allocations from the same resource. Central Downs Irrigators chairman Johannes Roellgen, Tyunga, Pampas, said irrigators were committed to ensuring the […]