Farmers take on the Mines

Farmers on the Liverpool Plains are fighting to save their land, and underground aquifers, from destruction by the mining giants – BHP and the Chinese mining company Shenhua    

‘Corporate abuse’ hits Great Artesian Basin

THE Great Artesian Basin — one of the largest underground water reservoirs in the world — is in danger of going the same way as the ailing Murray-Darling Basin because of reckless corporate abuse, aided by political ignorance, says South Australian senator Nick Xenophon. The independent senator will tell a groundwater conference in Adelaide today […]

GAB Funding Drying Up

ABC Radio National – Monday 16/11/09

Gillard looks to U.S. for Green Jobs

Gillard looks to US for ‘green’ jobs Updated: 16:49, Saturday October 3, 2009 So the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, is flying to the United States on a mission to see how it is creating more ‘‘green’’ jobs. We could have saved her the trouble – and the considerable expense. What could possibly be cleaner […]

MP warns against basin water sell-off

Western Queensland state MP Vaughan Johnson says it would be irresponsible and “sacrilege” to sell off water from the Great Artesian Basin. The New South Wales Government is planning to auction water from the basin in Walgett, in northern NSW, later this month. The basin underlies one-fifth of Australia and is a valuable water source […]

Push on to stop Walgett water auction

Water users across north-west New South Wales will today appeal to the State Government to stop next week’s controversial water auction at Walgett. Coonamble farmers Neil and Anne Kennedy have formed the Great Artesian Basin Protection Group to fight the sale of water saved under the Cap and Pipe the Bores Scheme. The group, which […]

Michael McKenzie on Bush Telegraph

Michael McKenzie on Bush Telegraph (ABC Radio National) discusses the recent GAB water auction.

Impact of Olympic Dam/Roxby Downs

The Olympic Dam/Roxby Downs mine has a voracious appetite for water to process the uranium, copper, gold and silver it extracts from underground. It obtains this water from the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) within the Lake Eyre region via two principal borefields, known as Borefield A and Borefield B (sometimes called “Wellfield”). These borefields have […]

Xenophon concerned about Artesian Basin

The World Today (ABC) – Nick Xenophon and Professor Craig Simmons, warn that the ancient waters of the GAB are under severe stress (21/09/2009)

Phillip Adams Interview with Endersbee

Phillip Adams on Late Night Live (ABC Radio National) interviews Professor Lance Endersbee – “A Dissident View of Water and Warming”