Group plans to fight mining exploration

The Federal Govt. has been put on notice of a new environmental battlefront, to save our water, agricultural land and urban areas.

EPA investigates coal seam gas leak in Sydney

The Environmental Protection Authority is investigating, after a white, frothy liquid was filmed spurting from a coal seam gas mining site in Camden in south-west Sydney, a few hundred metres from an open drinking water channel.

Four Corners – The Gas Rush

Four Corners investigates the CSG industry, and its cost to farmers, the GAB and the environment. Matthew Carney finds leaking gas wells, falling borewater pressure levels, toxic chemicals that have never been assessed by by the national regulator, and fears that the Great Artesian Basin will be contaminated and depleted.

Gas-fired Debate

Earlier last year Landline reported on the extraordinary impact the booming coal seam gas industry was having on rural Queensland. The Federal and State Governments have since signed off on multi-billion dollar export projects that will take the industry to a new level of investment and production.

Will the boom in gas drilling, ruin the country’s water?

Excellent U.S. interview with Josh Fox, about his journey to discover the truth about coal seam gas drilling.

Gasland – interviews with Josh Fox

David Stratton from ‘At The Movies’ interviews Josh Fox, about GasLand

US doco sparks gas debate

US doco sparks gas debate

MP urges independent testing of coal gas wells

Queensland Opposition MP Ray Hopper says he has no faith in the self-regulation process used to assess water quality at coal seam gas (CSG) mines. Environmentalists and residents have repeated calls to end CSG gas extraction after another water contamination scare at a mine west of Miles in Queensland’s southern inland. Traces of banned carcinogenic […]

Government stalls LNG projects

Mr Hutcheon says it was wrong for the Queensland Government to conditionally approve the project in the first place.

“The Queensland Government gave provisional approval for these developments without knowing the answer to that question as to whether the Great Artesian Basin would be impacted,” he said.

60 Minutes – “Undermined” How’s this for a raw deal? A big company marches onto your land, sinks a well without your permission and then proceeds to threaten your livelihood. And it does it all with the consent and approval of the government. Now this would be bad enough if it was happening halfway across the world in […]