A LEADING American investment analyst has criticised Australia for allowing China to buy large swathes of its natural resources in what he calls “resource imperialism”.
James Dines says Australia is in danger of squandering its “irreplaceable inheritance … traded for easily printed paper”.
He described natural resources, including farmland, as a source of real wealth that should be kept for “your descendants”.
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Alan Jones talks about the massive Food Security Forum to be held in Gunnedah next Wednesday, 12th October, at 11 am. And he talks about what coal seam gas mining will do to our water and our farming land.
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“The state governments have a massive vested financial interest in these projects going ahead. They don’t get any revenue or very little revenue from prime agricultural land, but they get hundreds of millions of dollars from these coalmines and coal seam gas,” Mr Turnbull said in a radio interview.
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Jeremy Buckingham said that no decisions on the future of the CSG industry should be made until independent research about emissions from Australian coal seam gas operations had been published and peer-reviewed.
”It is disturbing that the government is relying on this secret industry data,” he said. ”The Worley Parsons report must be made public so that the assumptions and the science can be tested.
”The whole impression this submission gives is that the government has already made up its mind about this industry before the inquiry is finished.”
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Queensland Senator Larissa Waters asks important questions in parliament, that need some urgent answers. Senator Waters says there are massive concerns raised (and also within government departments) about what the CSG industry will do to our groundwater.
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Clinical Focus:
“The mining and burning of coal: effects on health and the environment”
Environmental damage, water and health:
Coalmining poses a significant threat to the integrity of aquifers, which may be hydrologically connected to other groundwater-dependent ecosystems including farm dams, bores and rivers. Water from coalmines must be disposed of and waste material is often held within the surface lease of a mine, introducing a risk of contamination of human food sources. Pollution of the environment can also occur through windblown dust during transportation, where coal is washed and at export ports. In 2010, coal seam gas operations in Queensland were held up at two sites because groundwater had become contaminated with a potentially dangerous combination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX).9 Similar contamination occurred after an underground coal gasification trial near Kingaroy.10 The Queensland government has recently banned BTEX chemicals from coal-bed fracturing fluids.
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COAL seam gas was once regarded as a major hazard to coal miners because of the risk of explosion. Today it’s become a major hazard to graziers and farmers as the rush by mining companies encroaches upon the very land they are trying to make a living out of.
Governments throughout Australia are set to make billions of dollars in royalties from the rush and appear to be turning a blind eye to the possibility of major ecological damage caused by the fracking process used to extract the gas. The process reportedly is already banned in China.
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NICNAS have been in existence for 20 years, yet all but a couple of the chemicals used in fracking, have never been assessed by our national regulator. And the few that have been assessed, have not been assessed for use in fracking.
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THE scope of the coalmine and associated infrastructure project envisaged by Indian company GVK Power is a whole lot bigger than was proposed by Hancock Coal, but not all the benefits are going to flow to Australia.
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“Would the department be happy to have a ‘licensed land fill’ somewhere with three million tonnes of salt sitting in it with no potential use for the interminable future?”
Filed under: Homepage, Mines_CSG, Research paper by GABPG_user
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